Our Customers Love Us

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We have always believed that the most important thing we can do for our customers is to make it easy for them to buy from us. As a result, we were delighted to see this review in the latest issue of The Customer Review:

We often talk about how great our customer service is, but you don’t need to take our word for it. Here’s what some of our customers are saying about us:

“The support was fast and friendly.”

-P. Davis, Albuquerque, NM

“People at YourCompany really know how to treat people like people.”

-J. Smith, San Francisco, CA

“I was absolutely amazed at how responsive their team was.”

-S. Hsu, Vancouver, BC

This is a post about our customers. And it’s true! They really do love us.

Our customers love us because they know that they can depend on us to deliver a high-quality service at all times. That’s what we’re known for, and that’s why we have so many happy customers.

How do we know our customers are happy? Well, they tell us! This company is built on strong relationships with our clients, and we’re always looking for ways to improve their experience with us.

So if you want to learn more about what makes our customers so satisfied, just read some of their testimonials in the right sidebar!

How to make a customer love you: Do things that seem like magic.

For example, we recently had dinner at a restaurant in New York City, one of those places that has a mini-buzzsaw in the bathroom. The buzzsaw is attached to the sink and turns on when you put your hands under it.

You can tell from the name of the restaurant that this place is trying to act cool. I guess they figure anyone who eats at a place with a buzzsaw in the bathroom is already cool, so they don’t have do anything actually hard to impress their customers. And maybe it’s true that no one will leave because of the buzzsaw: any restaurant with a buzzsaw in the bathroom looks cool by definition.

But notice what happens when you use it. The first time I saw one of these, I was puzzled about how it worked. You have to put your hands awkwardly up under it, and then turn them sideways to get them wet–the sharp edges of the buzzsaw are facing your hands. It looks dangerous! But there must be some secret or everyone would get hurt, right? So I waited for someone else to go first, and watched carefully to see how they did it without getting mangled. Once I figured out

I have been a customer of Acme for over 40 years and in all that time I have never experienced such rudeness as I did yesterday.

My wife and I were traveling in our motor home, towing our car, from Maine to California when we broke down in Albuquerque. We called Acme Roadside Assistance and they sent someone to tow us to an Acme authorized repair shop.

The mechanic said he couldn’t find the problem, so it would take a few days. He recommended the Sunshine Motel across the street, saying they gave a discount to customers of Acme. He also suggested we call Acme and ask for a loaner car while we waited.

So I did, and was told “No problem.” The woman on the phone said there was an Acme rental office just seven blocks away, open until 5:30 pm on Sundays.

But when I got there at 2:30 I was told no one could help me until Monday morning. There was nowhere else nearby that rented cars on weekends. So I took a cab back to the motel (another $20).

My wife is still stuck at the motel watching TV while I try to get some work done using their slow Internet connection. Meanwhile we’re paying $70 per night

Businesses and customers have a lot of complicated relationships.

There’s always something more to learn. That’s why we are here, to help you get into the know.

We made this guide as a starting point so that you can get your customer relations off the ground.

But it doesn’t end here… The best business people are always learning and evolving. And now you can too!

A lot of times when I am talking with a CEO about his or her company, I’ll ask them to tell me the story of their company as if they were telling it to a friend over coffee. With many companies, this is a difficult exercise. They have no idea how to tell their story in a simple way. These companies tend to be pretty unexciting businesses.

The best CEOs know how to tell their story simply and clearly. They have thought deeply about the problem they are solving for customers and have distilled this down into a simple narrative that anyone can understand. They don’t need Powerpoint slides filled with charts, graphs, and buzzwords; they can just tell you their story. In fact, they enjoy telling their story because it is something they are passionate about.

And these CEOs almost always run great companies. This is because if you can’t describe what your company does in simple terms that an intelligent person who has never heard of your company before can understand in five minutes or less, then there’s a good chance your business is too complicated**

When a company has a new or very complicated idea to explain to its customers, one of the best ways to do it is with a cartoon.

You might expect that a cartoon would be less professional-looking than some other forms of communication. In fact, the opposite is true. When you use an illustration instead of words, you are saying that you have so little respect for your reader’s intelligence that you don’t expect her even to be able to understand the words you would use to explain the idea. And if you can’t even write clearly about it, why should she believe what you say?

Cartoons are useful in the early stages of design, when you’re trying to get across an idea that doesn’t yet have a clear definition. But they’re not appropriate for formal communications with customers. If you have something important to communicate, put it in writing and use words with clarity and precision.

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