6 Ways to Avoid the Boring Blade Throat Shave in the Morning

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I really do not like shaving. It is not just the fact that I hate the whole ritual of lathering up, shaving, and then having to deal with stubble. What I hate most about shaving is that it inevitably leaves me with a blade throat shave. It is an annoying thing to have to deal with, especially if you work in an office or have a job where you cannot show up in public looking like you just rolled out of bed.

The blade throat shave is caused by your neck hair growing in different directions; some go down, some go sideways, and others grow upwards. Shaving in the same direction as your hair grows will give you a nice clean shave; however, shaving against the grain will get rid of those pesky blade throat shaves.

The problem with this technique is that it can also get rid of your neck hairs and cause ingrown hairs which result in razor bumps and redness. So how do we avoid all of this?

1. Shave at night before going to bed. This way you can let your face heal overnight instead of walking around all day with irritated skin.

2. Use a gel instead of foam or cream so that you shave more precisely instead of blindly applying pressure everywhere which can lead to cuts and n

If you’re like me, you usually shave in the morning. If you’re like me, that means you often have to shave after a night of sweating in bed. And if you’re also like me, you’ve probably found yourself shaving your throat and neck with a dull blade over and over again, only to have it start to burn.

I started researching ways to avoid this unpleasant experience, and I came across a lot of information about how the best way to shave your throat is with a blade that’s been sharpened. Sharp blades cut deeper than dull ones and make for a better shave. So if you want to avoid getting burnt on your throat, here are six ways to sharpen your blades:

The first thing I tried was using a flat razor. This is where you put your thumb on one edge of the blade and use that as leverage to push down on the other edge of the blade. The problem is that it’s hard to get the right angle and pressure on your throat while using both hands at once. So instead of using two hands, I held my left hand flat against my throat while pushing down with my right hand on the flat razor’s edge. The result was much closer shaves without any pain or redness.

So now that

Shaving is a morning ritual that can be made more effective and more fun. If you’re in the habit of shaving with a blade every morning, you may spend minutes every day shaving your neck. The six tips below will help you shave your neck faster and with less irritation, saving time and money in the long run.

1. You can prevent nicks by using cold water. Splash cold water on your face and neck right before shaving to make your pores close. Your skin will also be less sensitive to irritation.

2. The best way to shave is to use a clean, sharp blade. When a blade starts to dull, it causes razor burn, cuts, and ingrown hairs.

3. Shave in the direction of hair growth with short strokes and slow pressure for a smoother shave and fewer ingrown hairs.

4. Don’t pull the skin too tight while shaving; this increases the chances of cutting yourself or leaving little red bumps all over your face.

5. Use soap instead of shaving cream for a closer shave because it’s easier to rinse off than foam or gel products are.*6*Shaving with a moisturizer helps prevent razor burn because it makes razors glide smoothly over your skin.*6*You can protect against razor

If you’re anything like us, you wake up at the crack of dawn, feeling exhausted and groggy. You get out of bed, groan, and start your morning routine.

Maybe you turn on the news or check your Twitter feed. But then you move on to making breakfast and getting ready for work. If you’re a man, that means shaving.

Shaving isn’t a chore most men look forward to — it can take time away from more important things like eating a healthy breakfast or getting in some exercise. But it has to be done. We’re going to share six tips to help you shave faster and avoid another trip to the ER with a nasty cut on your throat. (Been there!)

1. Use an electric razor instead of a blade razor! Electric razors are safer, faster and more effective than traditional blade razors. They’ll help you avoid one of the most common shaving mistakes, cutting yourself open with a sharp blade!

2. Use an LED lighted bathroom mirror! This is especially important if you have poor eyesight or like to shave in the morning before coffee! An LED lighted mirror will illuminate your face so that none of those

1. Invest in a good straight razor

2. Apply pre-shave oil

3. Use a badger hair brush

4. Have a hot shower before shaving

5. Apply some quality shaving cream (and let it sit for two minutes)

6. Use a decent after shave lotion

If you do these steps, you’ll have an amazing shave every time. Don’t forget to check out our store at [www.awesomeshave.com](http://www.awesomeshave.com).

Many men enjoy shaving. We’ve come a long way since the days of the caveman rocking a cave beard, it’s officially a thing to shave nowadays. The more you shave, the more you realize that shaving is not just about shaving, it’s about how you feel when you do it. Shaving is a ritual, and it can relax you or wake your up in the morning.

The first step to a great shave is getting rid of all that hair that has grown overnight. Use an electric shaver if you want to save time and avoid cuts and nicks. If you like your blades (who doesn’t), use a straight razor or safety razor for an old school experience. Safety razors are much safer than straight razors and have disposable blades, but they still give you close shave and require some skill to master. There are many types of blades on the market so make sure to check out our full guide to choosing a blade for shaving here at BeardBro.

Now it’s time for preparation, which is another important step in your shaving process. Make sure to use high quality pre-shave oil or balm before applying any foam or gel on your skin (or beard). You can also

I used to be one of those guys that would just pick up his single-blade razor and shave in the dark, half asleep.

This was a terrible mistake for two reasons:

1) I never used shaving cream and always ended up with cuts and scars on my face, which is a real bummer.

2) I wasn’t taking advantage of the awesome features that modern razors like the Gillette Fusion Proglide have to offer.

Now, I’m in no way affiliated with Gillette or Procter & Gamble. But, I do work at a startup in Cincinnati and we are working on shaving technology. I do know a little bit about shaving, so bear with me.

The Gillette Fusion Proglide is one of those razors that has a lot of cool features. It has five blades instead of one blade that can help you get a closer shave without nicking your skin. It also has a precision trimmer on the back to make sure you can trim around your sideburns, mustache, or beard if you have one.

When you use this razor correctly, it can save you tons of time in the morning (and it won’t cut your throat open).

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